I am an ugly looking big creature. An out-of-the-box-wisdom preacher. Usually Kool and unusually weird. Full of 'spirit' and never tired.

Wednesday, December 08, 2004

It's May, 1998

My face kisses the drizzling droplets of rain as I sit beside the window
Floating clouds calling me to join the merry making with the rainbow
My wings are broken long back and I know I cant fly like a hawk
The room has confined me for years as my legs are not strong enough to walk

The irresistible desire to fly has died young because all I could do was dreaming
The table in the corner, the bed and this room are all who heard me screaming
Year after year I lived on my dreams even if I knew they will never come true
Time has flown right by me and I wonder if I could ever clear life's overdue

My view to this world has been narrowed down to the window beside me
Grave faces running around, rain droplets and the blue sky is all I could see
I could see little children playing, running and screaming with innocent ecstasy
I wonder if any one of them would be me in bitter twist of destiny

It's May, 1998 and I look through my only view like any other day
Kids playing around leaving one of them behind to be the castaway
I wonder what's wrong with that little soul and why is he sitting alone
After much observation I realised his leg has got a crippled bone

I saw the unbelievable enthusiasm in him as I noticed his efforts to stand up
To my surprise he stood up, tried to hit the ball but fell down in a tossup.
He desperately tried to reach for the ball as he crawled on his knee
Now I know one thing for sure, he wont be me, he wont be me.


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