I am an ugly looking big creature. An out-of-the-box-wisdom preacher. Usually Kool and unusually weird. Full of 'spirit' and never tired.

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Love-Take One

I am not a love Guru. Also, I did not get a chance to think about love for quite sometime. But after reading one of my favorite blogs where lots of people were exchanging their views on love, I was tempted to re-evaluate my take on love.

Defining love in words is an ambitious effort from a linguistically challenged person like me. According to me, love is a strong emotion which makes us better human beings. And all the negativities that come along with love have nothing to do with the emotion itself. The negativities are more of individual behavioral traits which come out while dealing with this strong emotion in different situations. It is love which takes us to the point of destruction and it is love which teaches us to live our life. It is our behavior and situations which make us deal with the same emotion differently. And, of course, the domain of love transcends the small world of lovers which, I feel, is an endothermic chamber secluded from the realities of life. Love is more generic. I feel love whenever I am writing, I feel love whenever I am traveling, I feel love whenever I am holding the hands of my wife and I feel love doing so many quintessential things. I think love is just a way of life.

Love definitely is a strong emotion and should be cherished by every individual but I am against the glorification of love. Love is not the end of the world. I am against those Karan Johar movies which make you feel that it’s love and only love that makes the world go round. There are so many other emotions which are equally strong and should be experienced by every individual. Unless we experience all these emotions, it’s difficult for us to evaluate the worth of love. Love is important like breathing air or drinking water. But how many times do we spend time pondering about breathing air or drinking water? How many times directors think of making a movie on breathing air or drinking water? I believe we do that only when we go out of breath or feel thirsty. Similarly we feel the need of love whenever there is lack of love in our lives. The feeling of love should be there in every little thing we do. We should fill our life with so much of love that we should not feel the need of love from an external source. Love is generated within every individual.

I am sure I am not the first one to preach such wise words. So, why is there a dearth of love in our lives? I think it’s again the human mind we should blame. Whenever we get something new, we begin to like it. But after we get used to it, we look for something new. We give up our ex-girlfriend for the current one and the current girlfriend for the would-be wife and the wife for the neighbor’s wife (Also applicable to woman). We forget to appreciate the existing things that once used to make us happy and we make way for love to go out of our life. All we need to do is to set our priorities right judiciously and appreciate every little things that makes us happy. Love will just find its way back to our life.

I hope this love gayan has enlightened you to find your daily love potion. Bolo Love Baba ki Jay !!


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