I am an ugly looking big creature. An out-of-the-box-wisdom preacher. Usually Kool and unusually weird. Full of 'spirit' and never tired.

Friday, January 28, 2005

Green eyed threesome

The endless waiting comes to a halt
As he enters at 10:30 by default
My heart skips a bit, again skips a bit
Oh shit!!!!!
Got a heart attack and a cold feet

I can see the hunger in his eye
I close my eyes as he grabs me and untie
Feel sorry for the paper clip and the broken nail
My ecstasy transcends as the green eyed monsters wail

The endless waiting comes to a halt
As he enters at 10:30 by default
My heart skips a bit, again skips a bit
Oh shit!!!!!
Got a heart attack and a cold feet

Who plays a vital role in his life?
The papers, me and the knife
Feel sorry for the fluffy doughnut and the nail
As he picks me up and puts me beside the scale

The endless waiting comes to a halt
As he enters at 10:30 by default
My heart skips a bit, again skips a bit
Oh shit!!!!!
Got a heart attack and a cold feet

What if I am broken now
I used to be a part of him anyhow
Served him till I was hit by the keyboard
Something, doughnut and clip could never afford

My heart skips a bit, again skips a bit
Oh shit!!!!!
Got a heart attack and a cold feet
My heart skips a bit, again skips a bit
Oh shit!!!!!
Got a heart attack and a cold feet


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