I am an ugly looking big creature. An out-of-the-box-wisdom preacher. Usually Kool and unusually weird. Full of 'spirit' and never tired.

Tuesday, April 17, 2007


The mystic melancholy of Sitar embraces the jubilant jostle of drumbeat
The scream of electrical guitar greets the violent violin with conceit
The intermittent tickle of tabla revives the spirit of the gloomy flute
The repetitive chanting of sloka brings all of them to a silent solitude

Fear Of The dark

My fear of the dark came alive after more than thirty years since the band ‘Iron Miaden’ was formed. 17th March 2007 would be always special in my heart as I became a part of the 20000 strong crowd which thronged the palace ground to watch the Iron Maiden concert. Hard core maiden fans kept pouring from all over India since morning and they camped the whole day in palace ground. I was intimidated by true maiden fans who roamed around wearing maiden T-shirts and sporting long hair, which, I am sure, did not see a barber since the inception of the band. These guys with their long beautiful hair could give inferiority complex to any girl on such a beautiful day. Most of the people around were busy getting a high before the concert as alcohol and cigarettes were strictly prohibited inside the ground. Few of them were seen hiding cigarette packs inside their underwear. Let’s not discuss how the girls managed to take the packets inside.

‘Paraikrama was already on the stage when we entered the ground at 5.30 pm. Parikrama had always been my favorite but I was in no mood to listen to them that day. And so was the rest of the crowd. All we could hear was ‘Maiden….Maiden” as the crowd screamed in unison. Parikrama gave their best shot and so was FTN, but they could not satiate the maiden frenzy crowd. The ‘Maiden ...Maiden’ scream grew louder as time passed by. The cigarettes and joints that sneaked into the ground came out from their respective unmentionable hideouts and began to light up. It was a big bad rock concert in true sense.

By that time the crowd with lower ticket prices tried to break free from the barrier and had couple of attempts to come to the front. Police were merely silent by-standers as people kept jumping over the temporary fence. Who says Indian girls are dignified ? Most of them were girls who gave a tough time to the security personnel. Another dignified girl was found puking on the ground and her equally embarrassed boy friend trying to console her. It was around 8.30pm when we heard a scream ’Welcome Bangalore’ in a true ‘Bruce Dickinson’ voice which put the crowd into a frenzy followed by an avalanche of crowd running toward the stage.

Iron maiden started in typical maiden fashion pitching in numbers from their latest album ‘A matter of life and death’. Thousands of lights with different colors brightened up the stage as they played "These Colors Don't Run” and "Brighter than a Thousand Suns”. The first classic that came out was “Wrath child", which the band touchingly dedicated to the memory of Leon Ireland, the vocalist of Indian band Moksha who passed away earlier this year. This gesture was met by a huge appreciation as they tried to recognize the achievements of India’s greatest Rock vocalist in spite of they themselves being the Gods of Rock. At 49, Bruce showed awesome stage energy as he ran around the stage while performing one of their biggest hits, the ‘Trooper’. They also performed the critically acclaimed "The Reincarnation of Benjamin Breeg", and "For The Greater Good Of God" from their latest album “A matter of life and death”.

Then came the most memorable moment when the band played the ‘Fear of the Dark’. Twenty thousand strong crowd joined the band on the chorus and sang along till the last bit of it. It was the moment when every single soul became a part of the ‘Fear of the Dark’ as it left the crowd with spine chilling experience with all their hair raised straight up. It was followed by numbers such as "Number Of The Beast", "Run To The Hills", "Two Minutes To Midnight" and "Hallowed Be thy Name" which left the crowd in a head banging frenzy raising the dust to an ominously greater heights.

The backdrops of the stage were quite spectacular with the band's mascot Eddie featuring prominently. Eddie also made a breath taking appearance in the middle of the concert on the top of a battle tank that was raised on to the stage. Drummer Nicko McBrain showed his raw power as if he played with six hands and bassist Steve Harris was at his best through out the concert. It was a spectacular experience not only for the crowd but also for the band which admitted that it was a special night for them and it wanted to come back to India pretty soon. As Bruce mentioned during the concert that life wouldn’t be the same after that night, I strongly believed that.
That day I slept with my eyes wide open!!!!

My Flying Escapades

Tusnin's law of frustration states that "If you are waiting for the elevator to go downstairs, there is 99% chance that the elevator is either full or going upward and vice-versa." My law of frustration has forced me to think of alternate ways of getting down to the ground floor of my office. I believe training on ' Para trooping' or 'bungee-jumping' is as essential as cotton buds in a Himesh Reshmaya's concert to reduce the traffic on those lazy elevators in my office. How wonderful it would be to tell my manager 'Good Bye! See you tomorrow!' and jump off the balcony with a small bag on my back. Of course, it's the duty on my manager to assume that the chance of my coming back to office the next day is inversely proportional to the chance of the small bag not opening up. Alternate ways of flying have their own hazards unless you have your own wings like birds! A few days back, I saw the advertisement of our office magazine communiqué "Reading gives you wings ... Fly with communiqué." I kept waiting desperately for the next two weeks until communiqué was released thinking that reading communiqué would give me wings to fly. Now you must have realized that I am kidding but what you have not realized is that I have done crazier things in my life just to fly. Let me sum up all my flying escapades for you so that if you see some big fat creature flying in the sky, you should know that it's Tusnin.

I have always been a big fat kid with my dresses struggling to keep my round shape in a humanlike form. But my eyes were always sparkling with new ideas which kept my father on his toes all the time. As an alternative to the butterfly effect, which states that the flutter of a butterfly's wings in China could affect the weather patterns in New York city, my father used to believe that a sparkle on my eyes can result in some unusual weather changes in and around our habitat, resulting in some sort of a havoc. Now after twenty years when I look at my father, I hold the sparkles on my eyes responsible for his beautiful bald look.

Similar sparkles were seen on my eyes fifteen years ago when I first read about the Wright brothers on a colorful magazine with the picture of an aero plane on it. I kept on thinking about Wright brothers and finally thought the VIP Frenchie way "Usme kaya hai jo mujhme nehi hai". I realized that I am short of one brother. So I convinced my gullible cousin Kuttu to be my partner in crime with promises of being so famous like the Wright brothers. The fact that he'll be spared from going to school and solving arithmetic after we became famous, acted as a stimulant for Kuttu to become my faithful partner. The secret project kicked off in my dad's deserted store room with a sketch of an aero plane nicely copied from that magazine. Back home, I maintained all sorts of secrecy to hide the sparkle in my eyes by avoiding my father for the next couple of days.

First thing we did was stealing bamboos and wires from my uncle's place who was constructing his maiden bamboo house. We locked ourselves in the store room for the next two days and managed to give our aero plane some structure way bigger than our stature. Our genius engineering mind faced the biggest hurdle when it came to procuring the wheels and propeller for our flying machine. Two days later the spare wheels of my father and uncle's scooters went missing and so was the fan in the guest room. Now the question was how we get electricity in the sky. So finally, we decided upon providing a long wire to the aero plane whose one end would be plugged into the socket. So we ended up making a huge flying kite in the shape of an aero plane. Our engineering genius came to a standstill when we realized that our flying machine was way too big to go out of the door of the store room. It was like a pumpkin grown in a bell jar. By that time, my disappearance along with that of the scooter wheels and the fan rang a bell in my father's mind. Our project came to a sudden halt when dad caught us red-handed along with the booty, of course; no need to mention the grand treatment at the end. The dream of becoming Wright brothers ended up in being wrong brothers!

The grand treatment kept the shines on my eyes away for sometime, but not so long till I got fascinated by para-trooping. The idea to float around in the sky and coming down slowly to the ground was already bringing the shines back to my eyes. It started with a handkerchief, a few strings, and my sister's Barbie doll. I was completely thrilled at the success of the first prototype. It was time I go for a major, real time project, but I needed a helping hand which I could not expect from Kuttu after my previous project's disastrous experience. I moved my focus on my ten-year old cousin Gabloo, who readily accepted my offer as it was a status symbol in his peer group to work with a scientist like me. This time it was a little bigger project with strings, my mother's shawl, and the bicycle of Moti uncle, and it took only an hour to come up with our second prototype. Two little kids stood on the rooftop, ignoring the scorching summer heat, with excitement on their eyes which can be found only in the eyes of a photographer during a photo shoot with Mallika Sherawat. We managed to throw the heavy bicycle into the air from the roof top and watched it fall slowly to the ground. Our joy knew no bounds and we were in a celebration mood on the success of phase two of our project.

Gabloo asked "What do we do now? Do I tell all my friends about it? "
I thought for a while looking into the open sky, as if solving critical aerodynamics problem related to the parachute, and replied "No. It's time for phase three".
"Phase three! What is that?"
"Now we should be able to apply it on humans instead of a cycle".
"But where do we get humans?"

I looked at him and smiled. But Gabloo looked away and could not smile!

Suddenly, he seemed to lose all interest in the project and started making excuses to go home and study. After a complete hour of perseverance and persuasion, Gabloo was ready to become the first human to jump off the roof with a sophisticated parachute designed by me. But for better safety of Gabloo, we decided to go for a bed sheet instead of a shawl. Our third prototype as well as Gabloo was ready to take the historic step towards flying, fame, and fracture. As all of you have already guessed, Gabloo's parachute did not open for miscalculated aerodynamic reasons, leaving him with a fractured leg and a month of bed rest with not a single dream about flying for this lifetime. The rest of the story was as usual like the previous grand treatment except that it was more intense this time.

This incident shook me up and I had to kill the sparkle in my eyes to save innocent creatures like Gabloo around my vicinity. I grew up to be an intelligent kid and went to do my engineering. But this time the lack of sparkle made me choose Mechanical Engineering instead of Aerospace engineering. During those four years of engineering, I came across some exotic, capricious people who could fly to the farthest galaxy without moving an inch from the ground. I dared not follow their way of flying. I graduated, got a job, moved to Hyderabad but never tried to get the sparkle back to my eyes. It came naturally one night when I was pillion riding with Lokesh on his new bike at a speed of 80Km/h early morning at 3-o-clock. I was very excited because I was supposed to go on a date after a few hours. Lokesh was happy that he gulped two pegs more than me. Suddenly three of us (me, Lokesh and his bike) flew over the cuckoo's nest! Time froze right by me and I could feel every millisecond of my flying frame by frame, till I hit the nearest tree, injuring both my hands. Lokesh flew over me and landed a few meters away injuring his legs and shoulder. All three of us survived. I survived because I had to go for a date, the bike survived because it had insurance, but I had no clues how Lokesh survived that lethal flying experience. It's still a mystery to us how we got back home that night and went to sleep with blood all over our bodies. I woke up early, cleaned myself, and went out for my much awaited date with my twisted hands. When I came back home, I found Lokesh had just woken up and was busy learning to walk.

"How was your date?" asked Lokesh.
"What do you think a date would be with my hands not working" I replied." Want to go to hospital?"
"Is it required? I am learning to walk." replied Lokesh.

After twenty minutes of meaningless discussion we finally decided to go to hospital. The moment we landed up at the hospital, people came running with stretchers to help us go to the emergency ward. Immediately doctors came running and gave us shots of anti-tetanus as if we were brought directly from the site of accident. I and Lokesh were looking at each other blankly, trying to understand what was actually happening to us as the nurses gave us a full dressing, leaving only a small leeway for eyes to be visible. I did not know whether I should laugh as we were looking no less than any living mummy. While coming back home we picked up a carton of beer along with medicine as we realized that we had nowhere to go for the next few days. The shopkeeper was looking at us very suspiciously and must have been wondering from which planet we came from. The next few days were really tough as the pain increased tenfold. With both hands crippled it was tough even to wear my own underwear. It was not the end, there was more to come. Doctor told me that the nerves of my hands were damaged and that's the reason one of the fingers in my hand was not getting straight. So he asked me to go through some medical tests. The test involved attaching electrical probe to hands and passing electrical shocks and reading the impulses. I had heard of shock therapies for mentally disabled patients but shock therapy for hands was quite new to me. I thought, maybe, my hands have lost their sanity and will go out of control in a few days. Anyway, after thirty minutes of electrifying experience the report came out which stated that my hands were perfectly alright to go on a successful date next time. Doctor told me that I could go but I had to pay minimal charges of thousand rupees for the medical tests. It was a wonderful day to remember.

Well, the wonderful day did not daunt my enthusiasm to dream of flying, to have the sparkle in my eyes and to create havoc around me. I still spend a lot of time looking at the floating clouds, the flock of birds flying high, and some lonely feather spinning around in the air. The sound of an aero plane still drives me out of house to look up at the sky like a little teenage boy. Still, I come up with plans of flying every now and then; and I believe that at least one of them some day will translate my desire in to a reality. Till then, the following words will continue to keep haunting my mind …

I am a lonely feather floating in the open sky
I am an aimless vagabond listening to lullaby
A crippling numbness over my frozen eyes
The dance of silence breaking my paradise
I am a lonely feather floating in the open sky …

A Trip To Mahabaleshwar

Recently, I was on a wonderful trip, with lots of disasters. When I first heard of Mahabaleshwar I thought it must have been named after some ancient Hindu God. Little did I know that it was named after some ancient demon who won a battle against another of its kind. I guess this demon-factor played an important role in giving our trip a touch of disaster. I know there is no adage like this-"Disaster begins at home". But for us it started at home when two minds were acting to manage the trip, trying to throw away responsibilities at each other following a failure to catch the train to Pune. The fact that we royally screwed our vacation almost brought us to tears. My wife cried as she was badly looking forward to this vacation. I cried because I already paid for the reservation of the resort where we were supposed to stay. I kicked up my contingency plan to recover from this disaster and chalked out a plan to catch a bus to Pune. My friend Asthana gave us a quick drop to Secunderabad in his car and we just managed to catch the bus. It was a great relief.

But the relief was fleeting as I, along with twenty other passengers, realized that the AC was not working. Soon passengers started complaining about suffocation and eventually the bus came to a halt as the driver was roughed up by the irate passenger. Passengers demanded either a refund of their money or replacement of the bus. After ninety minutes of verbal riot it was decided that the passengers will be refunded a certain percentage of the amount they spent. The bus started again. The rest of the bus journey was otherwise peaceful except some snoring sounds and Priyanka Chopra disturbingly dancing on the video screen. Next morning when we reached Pune, the conductor went missing and no one bothered to ask for the refund.
We decided to rent a car with Rs 1200 instead of taking a bus for our remaining journey to Mahabaleshwar as we wanted to reach there as early as possible. We started out in a Tata Indica with a hairy driver on the steering. I was just wondering whether this hairy guy had any connection to Maha-BAAL-eshwar. The journey from Pune to Mahabaleshwar would be completed in three hours, we were told. After twenty minutes the driver stopped at a gas station for a fill up and took Rs 500 from me. I was a bit concerned the way that guy was driving. He had a tendency to come too close to the moving objects around. He almost knocked off couple of cars and one guy walking on the road. I was just wondering whether he passed out from MTV Bakra's blind school of driving or he was just trying to change his otherwise mundane life into an exciting one with the feeling of escaping from near death experiences. After ten minutes, his fire-on-the-ass-car showed some symptoms of an overheated engine. It continued for next twenty minutes with intermittent halts on the road and replacement of car coolant. After sometime he royally declared that his car wouldn't go forward and we should catch some bus to Mahabaleshwar. My irate wife almost killed that guy and fought with him for the refund of the money that he took for refill. With an empty stomach and delayed morning rituals, I was in no mood to kill that hairy demon. The driver was kind enough to drop us in a bus stop and we took a bus to Mahabaleshwar. It was almost one thirty at noon when we reached Saj Resort.

The bitterness and tiredness of the journey was vanished the moment we landed from the bus. It was a beautiful hill station with an equally excellent weather. The resort was beautifully built in a large hilly area with facilities of indoor and outdoor games, a big lawn for private parties and a small swimming pool to cool your heels. After getting freshened up, we directly headed for the lunch which was included in the package that we took. The food, though vegetarian, was simply superb. I could give up non-vegetarian food if I get to eat such tasty vegetarian food daily. That day we just roamed around the resort, took a couple of snaps and again it was time for an awesome dinner. The food in Mahabaleshwar brought a heavenly glow on my face which, obviously, disturbed my wife as it made her feel that the home-made food that she feeds me was not good enough to brighten up my face. So, I had to work hard to kill the glow on my face.Next morning we booked a cab and went out for sight seeing. The first place we visited was a plateau called 'Table Land' which is supposedly Asia's highest plateau. Horses and horse driven carts were available to take you around the plateau. This plateau, we came to know, appeared in a couple of Bollywood movies. While coming back, we visited a strawberry processing factory where we could see how strawberries were made into jam and juices. We were lucky to take away some free strawberries as it was the time of the year when strawberry festival was celebrated throughout Mahabaleshwar. We also saw a group of artists dancing to the local folk music to celebrate the festival. After that we came back to the resort for lunch. We decided to take a quick dip into the swimming pool before we went for lunch. It was tough to teach my wife swimming as she was very afraid of water. In the process she ended up gulping couple of liters from the swimming pool and made me drink double the amount.

It was an awesome lunch as usual. The glow came back to my face and we again went out for sight seeing. We moved around the valley and stopped at different points to have a look at the beautiful valley. We visited a spot called 'needle hole' which is a naturally built hole on of the peak of the valley. There was an echo point which appeared in the movie 'Ek duje ke liye'. It was fun to shout at the echo point and hear your voice coming back. We also saw three rocks in the shape of monkeys which were built by years of erosion by the nature. They called it 'Ghandhijee's three monkeys'. Then we went for boating on Venna Lake. It was a wonderful experience to float on a rowing boat and hear the moving sound of water caused by the rower. I wished I could spend the whole day on such a boat dreaming all day long in spite of the fact that I'd go bankrupt after that. The last spot of the day was the sunset point. It was a beautiful experience to watch the orange sun sinking to the other side. We came back to the resort with lots of good memories and two pairs of tired legs. We relaxed for sometime but the day's activities had started to take a toll on my body. My feasting on the food, one gallon of water from the pool, roaming around the sun the whole day – all these factors were good enough to keep me to the bed for the rest of the day. A dance party was arranged at the resort but I was in no condition to attend that. I just slept.

Next morning we cancelled all outings and decided to relax at the resort. We went out to the nearby market and roamed around. My wife already started doing what she was best at – shopping. After spending two hours we came back to the resort, had lunch and relaxed for sometime. In the afternoon we played pool, table tennis, badminton and a whole lot of different games. We completed all the packing as we were supposed to leave the next day. For us it was just another day without office, cooking and other humdrums of daily life, of course, with lot of time for each other.Next day we checked out at around 11 am and took a bus to Pune. I thanked God as the AC was working in this bus. We fell asleep after some time. I woke up after two hours and found the bus was running on time. I again thanked God for making the journey trouble free. It was at that moment that I heard a thunderous sound and thought God had actually heard my prayer. But soon I realized it was not only me but also the other twenty passengers who heard the sound and some of them were screaming out loud. The bus came to a halt. We could smell burning tires instantly. After we came out of the bus we found ourselves hanging at the edge of the hilly road with the front, left tire of the bus burnt into pieces. I realized that God actually heard my voice and realized that people like me who regularly pay their taxes, who love their wives and cook food for them, who can remember at least one incident where they have helped others, were also traveling in the same bus and decided to change His decision at the last moment. It took one and a half hour to fix the bus. By the time we reached the Pune train station, our train was already on the platform ready to leave. We realized our berth was not confirmed yet and we managed to get an RAC seat only. It was again a big pain to accommodate us in the RAC seat as both of us had grown bigger and larger in the last couple of months. It was a painful journey back home.Our journey to Mahabaleshwar was a memorable one as it was full of disasters with lots of sweet memories. After all, life's like that. I am sure I am going to remember this trip in the days to come and, in fact, forget the struggles we had to make on the way to and fro. And my takeaway from this trip would be that although the ‘D’ factor of Mahabaleshwar might have had an intrusion in our earthly human existence but even, in this era, we are still individuals protected by the entity called God.